CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) in association with ZACR (ZA Central Registry) and ZADNA (ZA Domain Name Authority) recently launched their new domain registration portal which provides CIPC customers with the ability to register domain names through the CIPC website.
This guide will walk you through the process of registering a domain name with CIPC and transferring the domain name to Absolute Hosting.
Domain names registered with CIPC cannot be used to host a website nor email facilities until they have been transferred to an Accredited Registrar who provides Web hosting and email hosting facilities.
In addition, domain names registered with CIPC cannot have their Domain Name Services (DNS) records pointed to an accredited registrar or hosting provider, and must be transferred.
On the Domain Name Services page, scroll down and click on to Register a Domain Name
On the Domain Name Service page, which features and explains the collaboration between all parties – scroll down and click on the Register a Domain Name button
Now take a read through the CIPC Domain Registration Terms and conditions and if you accept then click the checkbox to agree and click Continue
Enter the Company Registration number you are registering the domain name for, and validate that the Registration number is correct and that the company is active with CIPC
On the Enterprise Inquiry page, provide all directors ID numbers linked to the Company Registration database listed on the CIPC website, and once complete, tick to confirm that the details entered belong to the Company listed within the results
On the Domain name services Name search page, type the domain name you wish to register, under suffix select the Co.Za ccSLD option and click Search
Wait for the page to reload and if your new domain name is available for registration a successful result will be returned as per below
On the Domain Name Registration Contact Details page, you’ll be informed that the domain name will be registered and assigned to the organization that you provided in the previous steps
On the Domain Name Registration Payment page you can review the status of your order before completing the transaction or register additional domain names using the steps provided above. If satisfied, then click the Pay button
On the Domain Name Registration Process Payment page click Continue to be transferred to the ZA Central Registry Payment Gateway Processing Page
On the ZACR Payment gateway page, enter your credit card details and proceed to the 3D Secure page to process your cart and complete the purchase of your domain name.
Provide the the 3D Secure pin that was sent to your mobile phone or email address. If your card is not 3D Secure enabled then log into your internet banking and enroll the card with 3D Secure and then process the payment again.
Congratulations, you now own a domain name.
The next step is to use the form below to verify that your domain name has been registered, and if registered then transfer it to Absolute Hosting.
At the beginning of this guide we explained that Domain Names registered through CIPC cannot be used, they are in layman’s terms parked with CIPC and you have no control over any functions with your domain until you transfer it to Absolute Hosting.
Absolute Hosting provides web hosting packages from as little as R9.00 per month and free domain parking should you wish to use the domain at a later stage but prefer to have control over your domain name until you are ready.
Use the form below to confirm that your domain name has been registered and available for transfer. If registered, your domain name will show as unavailable and you will be able to use the transfer link or whois link to verify the registered owner of the domain name.